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Sunday, November 14, 2010

11-14-10 Blog

alrighty so the week was ok. im not sure what to really talk about but we can start off with the play to kill a mockingbird. in my opinion it was great. the actors did great and overall i thought everything as planned or atleast if they did mess up i didnt notice haha. Grace who played scout did really well the only thing i would have to say that wasnt good was the mic on her because when her part had to scream it hurt my ears because they had the mic up so loud and along with some of the other cast members. The people who played jem and dill did really well too i think they should of had real lemon drops and a real rock or something to make it a little better. boo radleys actor didnt do much but he had a good part considering arthur was tall and he was obviously tall. some other good actors that i thought did well was the people who played ... Atticus, the judge, bob ewell, tom robinson, well lets just say everyone in the play did amazing and whoever had the solo for the colored church did great.. is he in choir?? if not he should be :)
so friday i got to miss most of the day because i had the eastland thing but my subject which was teaching was held in the auditorium because the actual class will be at clark hall when they finish. it went really well to me. i got to meet new people and it was fun. better than being in class :) but the only bad part about that is that i have tests tomoro to make up. so friday night i went to the blue jackets game and the first period was the best because they were actually playing and second period everything went down hill from there. at the end of the game the final score was five to one so they did realllyy bad that game, but hey everyone has their good and bad days. we cant do anything about it. then saturday morning i woke up early to go help rake leaves and raise money for honor flight. it is for interact club and the saturday before we raised 500 dollars for honor flight and we were planning to match that this saturday. we havent found out what we raised yet but we will find out wed. i did get to miss soccer practice saturday morning but it was for a good cause so whatever and then after that was done i got to drive my dads sports car home and it was amazingggg i was happy to drive it. then i went to my neighbors house and helped her brother and his friends with some fort thingy. today i got up and went back to my neighbors house and did the same thing and then at 245 we left to go to y soccer practice and i drove there and it was fine. the practice however i hated because our new coach jesse couldnt be there so we had our old coach and he likes to run us so we ran but unfortunatley my knee started to hurt a lot so i had to sit out and we had to practice with the U-17s and their coach likes to run them too so like everydrill we did included running. but like seriously thats not the purpose of soccer if we wanted to run in practice then we would do track not soccer. yeah yeah soccer u do have to run but not a ton if you play it right and posess the ball. thats the whole point to make small plays and then the big picture will come which in this case you would score. jesse likes to focus on the little things that you need to have down in order to play really good posession and stuff so like our passes have to be perfect and then ou traps and touches on the ball we arent always going to play a long ball and do a 100 yard sprint like track. thats not the game but whatever thats the journal for thhis  week ready for the next blog..not

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