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Friday, September 24, 2010

9/24/10 post

Alrighty so all last week we went to the library and it was pretty cold. I am glad that we are back in the classroom because i work so much bettr at a desk and not at a computer, but whatever works i guess. I have everything turned in so far which means i have a 100 on the project so far the part im going to lose points for is the actual research paper, just because that's how it always end up. The worst part about the entire project is the bib cards. I got those done and i was soo happy when i did because i hated trying to the information, but when you use the database on the school libraries website, it makes it soo much easier. They already have all of the information for your notecard. It also helps you with your works cited page because all you have to do is go to the website and copy down the information. Today we had to turn in our title page and that was the easiest part because it takes like 2 min. Then when mr. potter said we had to start on our research outline, i was not ready for that. I don't like making outlines because i tend to write sentences and not short facts or even like one or two words. Another thing is the whole organizing the notecards which can take some time so i tried to work fast today and it worked. i had all of my notecards sorted out an then when i started working on my outline everything was going great. so i only have like two paragraphs left which includes the conclusion. i have a total of eight paragraphs alrighty and i have to add two more!! This paper should be really easy to write since i have so many paragraphs to write with and since it has to be five to six pages long it will be really easy. well i wrote a lot today since i am study hall and won't be able to type over the weekend because i won't be home and where i am going there will be nooooo computer and i dont have time tonight with soccer and then right after the ble jackets :) well ttyl whoever reads this <(")


  1. i meant better at the top whoops.

  2. have fun at soccer practice and i hope that the blue jackets will win tonight!

  3. You are right, organizing facts and making outlines is time consuming...but that's why we have time in class to do it! And congrats on making it through the project!!
