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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Alrighty so i am extremely happy that we finally finished that stupid play thing or whatever you want to call it. i thought it was bad that only good part was the kiling part of how they killed themselves other wise i dont care if this person like went to the capitol and i dont know i just thought that it was boring. there are sooooo many who have dreaded this thing and hate it. i hated romeo and juliet too so that obviously tells you i dont like shakespear because hes NOT the best man of all time or whatever you say mr. potter. so in us history we are working on this project that is pretty easy and its just an essay but a really easy one and im happy we r doing it because it takes the civil rights stuff off the test and so our test is shorter and only about kennedy's assisination and some other stuff. then in math. ohh my goshh it is soo easy i dont get why im in this class. i got a 100% on our one quiz and there are still juniors and seniors in our class that dont get it. we r doing the easiest unit and they dont get it thats just bad because its soo easy. we just took another quiz and im pretty sure i got a 100 on that one too if i didnt then ill be suprised but thats fine i always end up with like a 97 in the class thats why i cant wait til honors pre calc and im hoping it will be a little more challenging because i love math its my best subject. then in art we just finished our self portraits and mine i have to say isnt that badd. a lot of people in our art class either didn't finish, didn't try to finish and it looks bad, or it just didn't look like them, buttt there were some that looked like them. then theres english which i already talked about. then in health we had to listen to pro life and pro choice speakers and over all the pro choice woman had a better presentation. the pro life man sat in a student desk with his back faced to us and talked. he didnt even stand up and talk to us. he was saying how he wasnt here to pursuade or put his opinion into the presentation and what does he do.. the exact oppositee he talks aboiut his opinion and is definately trying to pursuade us. he had pictures and information on slides but never had a work cited so i dont where he got that information or the pictures. the woman on the other hand was very prepared and had a packet that she handed to all of us with a website that we could go to so that we could look at the information and do a further search than what she presented to us. then in biology which is the worst period of the day as in learning because mr. miller cant teach and we watched 3 or 4 videos this week and it was pointless. it was about frogs and fishes but i dont get why we are even having to know the circulatory system for these fish and frogs because when am i everrr going to just go out and be like hey i think i want to see the stomach of the fish or frog so lets cut him open and see. nooo thats stupid if you are interested in that stuff then take classes in college to do it theres no point in watching a video over it along with what parts are what.. doesnt make sence. then in spanish its ehh ok i get bored in that class reallyyyy easy but i mean i can do that in every class except art because i love art too thats why im doing 2d concepts next year.. well theres my 15- 20 mins of typing for this weekend ill talk more later as in next sunday.. byebye peoplee :)

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