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Sunday, March 6, 2011

blog 3/6/2011

alrighty well lets see this week we worked on that ogt practice test which was soooooo boring and then we finally started our book.i was so happy to actually be doing something like our project and stuff. im reading a book called kick and its about soccer and so far about a mystery and stuff. i really dont want to be typing this right now because this weekend and week have been bad and im tired. all week i have been sick and then monday i went to the doctor about my knee and then wed or thursday i got my mri and that didnt go well cause i was coughing cause i was laying down. then friday night i had and incar which was my second incar thank goodness i am halfway done. i have two this week and i can relax with stuff for a while. then saturday i had to get up at five in the morning and get ready to leave by five 45 to go drive an hour and a half away for a soccer game at eight. we had to be there between seven and seven fifteen. it was freezing and raining along with me being sick i was breathing in cold air so my chest killed and it was also windy. one girl broke two bones in her leg because she stepped in front of our players when she went to clear the ball so she ended up kicking the girl in the leg and breaking it. that took up a lot of time since no one actually rushed down to help her and take her to the hospital. she wasnt moving at all and she was screaming like crazy and i dont blame her because yeah thats going to hurt. they covered her in a blanket until someone got their car and put her in it. then we continued playing. by the end of the game we lost two to zero and we really played bad. it looked like i dont even know what but it was bad and i was pretty upset but whatever it was the first game of our season at the most rediculous time of the year. then today i had to get up early to go sell girl scout cookies outside of the highschool and it was sooooo cold like really why sell outside when we could sell inside where it is warm and stuff any way my fingers were coldd. they were so cold that they were burning and they hurttt and i was once again breathing in cold air along with the gas smell from cars going by. so my chest was killing me but my mom did being hot chocolate so that helped some. im just happy that i am inside and i dont have to go outside again today and i can stay warm. well it has been like 15 to 20 min so ill get off and cover up in a blanket ill talk to you all on monday

1 comment:

  1. i HATED the OGT practice test too! even though i ddnt do that bad on it..
