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Friday, January 28, 2011

blog 1-28-11

Alrighty so im sitting here in english typing this stupid blog. i really dont see the point of these but i guess i will do it. So this week we were learning about a boring subject which was commas, semio-colons, and colons. the rules i think are quite rediculous and arent reawlly needed. so i thought i did ok on the quiz but i missed 8 and then since i got three bonus points on the other worksheet that makes my 77% to a B which is good because i seriously need to keep my grade up and get good grades.
So for exam week i thought i did realllyy bad on my U.S history exam because we go by grading periods or quarters and the first quarter i got a D which was really bad and so this quarter i got a 91% so my average is like a 79% whch is not that bad considering the first grade was bad. Then in 2nd period which is math i got a 73 and our highest grade was like an 82% and the first periods average and highest grade was a 69% which is horrible. Our teacher made a curve on it and he raised everyones grade by 10% so that gave me an 83%. In third period which is art we didnt really have a mid term but we still had to come in because our grade was a house one perspective drawing that we had to work on and pretty much copy oueacher on what he did. Then fourth period which is obviously english i got a 90 on the exam which is amazing but we got to use our study guides so that helped a lottt and i was happy.. %th period is lunch and 6th period is study hall so i didnt have tests ther .7th period i got a 83 and thats biology and 8th period i know i got a b so it worked out well gotta go to lunch ttyl :)

1 comment:

  1. haha abby your silly , i know how you feel about the subject we just got done learning about semi-colons , commas , and colons ohh my ! lol borrringggg .
