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Sunday, December 5, 2010

12-5-10 Blog

Alrighty so for this week we worked on the same stuff which was human rights. The movies we watched were pretty good. The first on we watched was the Japanese one. In that clip they were allowed to bring whatever they wanted as long as they coud carry it. When they got to the camp  they set their stuff up in the cabins. There was no walls that seperated certain spots so they used sheets to block areas off. The Japanese had a lot easier trip in their concentration camps than the jewish people had because the jewish people had to work very hard in different jobs. Another thing that was not hte same was how the jews just got killed because the germans were angry or upset. They were put into big chambers and died from the gas. They also did not get to bring whatever they could even if they were able to carry it/ Only some people survived the concentration camps. That brings me to the next clip or video that we watched. The next video we watched was about a family of three that got split up when they got to the concentration camp. The mom went with all of the women and had to wear a thing or cloth on their heads. Then the dad went with the men and the little boy was supposed to be with the other little children and he was for a little bit but then he got back with his dad. The little boy did not know why they were at the camp and so his father told him that it was game and whoever got to a thousand points first won a tank for 1st place and got to go home. One day the father was working and carrying a heaving axel. His child then came running into the factory and said that the kids were getting showers and that he did not want to get one. His dad told him that he needed to get one, but he said no. Then the young boy asked why his dad was there and working superr hrad. His fathers excuse was that he was build part of the tank when clearly they were forced to work. By the end of the video the dad got in trouble and got shot by one of the security men. The mother went in this truck and she got out free. The young boy was the only one at the camp and he was hiding becuase his dad said it was part of the game and he could come out when no one was around or in site, so then he got out of his hiding spot and next thing he knew there was a tank that came around the corner that was in front of him. The little boy said, "It's real!" and so the tank stopped and this gentlemen came out and asked if the boy was alone and he said yes and the man wanted to know his name but the little boy wouldnt let him know. Then the man let the little boy get on the tank and they rde it all the way out to were the women were free. The boy saw his mom and started calling her name and then both of them were free and the only problem was that the father did not make it out alive. Well that was my journal for the week!!

1 comment:

  1. So, far i thinks its been pretty intresting to learn about the japenese concentration camps vs. the concentration camps in Germany. And the movie was very cute and sad! But i was soooo happy for the little boy when he won the tank. It was sad to think that his dad did all that for his son:) <3
